Green Initiative

Thursday, November 09, 2006

worm log

smell gone, standing water gone, nice to know.
spritzing w/ ironing spray bottle works nicely, a nice mist
massive pile eating peach, james are you in there?
little white dots on fruit and elsewhere...time to move it to the basement? hmm...
how to make mesh screen, is that too complicated for beginner wormer workshop...
how necessary for indoor... wouldn't want to start 'em out on wrong foot. perhaps provide 'extra credit' hand out.
added egg shells, covered w/ shredded paper.

donation wish list

small cardboard boxes
shredded paper
drills ask deidre,

personal- need shredder oil


Better than a pet rock: Urban Worm Composting Workshop
Do you want to take your smelly garbage out into the cold, dark alley more frequently? What a hassle.
Do you want to feel more anxious about identity theft? No way.
Do you have a basement or a dark corner?

Learn to conveniently compost kitchen scraps, credit cards bills, even grocery bags!
High tech, low maintenance, affordable (Heck—they’re free), and on the premises...

Worm Composting Workshop
Sunday, November 19th @ 4 pm
Acme Art Works
1741 North Western Avenue

Show up and receive a raffle ticket to win your own ready-to-go worm composting system.
10 prizes to be given!
Pre-register to seal the deal: or Maureen @ (773) 384-2614

Compost today-make all of our lives better.

Please forward.


survey ideas:
list 10 items from your trash that you could compost
(provide suggestions to circle)

how many ____ do you toss?

x y of z @ weight

x = number
y= qty, inches
z= item ( egg shells, rotted veggies,

ex. inches newspaper
inches printer paper

investigate weights of average items of trash

Thursday, November 02, 2006

venues to investigate:
happy village, call
Heaven Gallery (Dave) not open on sunday
Around the Cayote (allison f.o. A.W.)
Spare Room, artist space???
ACME 773.278.7677
Wicker Park Field house, reserve a room
Mercury Cafe Tel: (312) 455-9924
Fraction Work Space
Image Cooperative, what space? cool garden and group, however
St. Mark's Church

worms c.$20/lbs
18/lb bulk order
$11/lbs bulk
coir $3
a/ target red/green $4x3=12

tip: empty water collection base tray often enough that water doesn't collect and start to stink. I dumped the smelly (anaerobic?) compost tea into a struggling spider plant and left it on the porch. If it doesn't freeze to death it might perk up a bit.
catie is filming the documentary! yea!!!!

need folders for info packets, qty?
tips sheet
stringent organic sheet
your first week sheet
resources sheet? where to buy more...
worms in coir prepackaged in???? brown bags, cardboard boxes...shoe boxes? where my girls at?

slogans: Worms: better than a pet rock

lonely? maybe you would feel better if you had a pet.

worm composting: waste = food

Composting: life over death. Witness the wonder of God in a box (in your basement)